Wednesday, May 17, 2006

We Skip From Monday to Friday

While many smile at the confidence of kids (how regardless if they're wrong, they're right), I enjoy the sharp minded elderly much more for a gauge on how we're doing.

During Christmas while preparing some vegetarian food I was prepared to pass off as an authentic meat product, I heard two voices yelling from the living room. It sounded like the worst of fights and I assumed my liberal grandfather slipped in a snide comment to our conservative and distantly related relative. This was not the case. When I investigated the ruckus, I saw both my grandfather pleasantly engaged in conversation. Both being half death, they sat on the couch literally shouting at one another while enjoying conversation.

Even better: today at the health club two elderly men sat engulfed in the plush leather chairs watching TV - Maury to be specific. Topic: Pregnant hormonal and violent teens (as always). I try not to judge because my grandpa has a tendency to put on Jerry Springer whenever I am over so I thought nothing of it, but their banter drew me in. The prickly bearded man said to his fellow viewer, "This is crap."
"I know."
"Where do they get these people?"
"Probably Chicago."
"I hate TV."
"This is worse than Dr. Phil"
"I hate Dr. Phil."
"He's so full of it."
The bearded man abruptly got up to turn on the lights.
"Can't see a damn thing and we'd have to watch that crap if I couldn't see which button changes the channel."

I smiled and left.